Who we are Records STOP 2022 30

Who is Stop

Our team is committed and passionate about helping our clients to live better lives and get the help and support they need.

We began our work and journey back in 1988 with an Adult Service, and from there, our service has grown as we’ve increased our knowledge of how we can work with our clients to reduce sexual harm in our community. We now operate across Te Wai Pounamu, with clinics in Nelson, Blenheim, Christchurch, Timaru, Dunedin, Invercargill, and the West Coast.

Stop became a charitable trust in 1995 and is governed by a Trust Board, with a CEO responsible for our operations.

Timeline 2023 April

Uara | Our values

Values 09

Expression of Rangatiratanga

we enable people to exercise their independence and determine their own pathway.
Values 08

Expression of Kaitiakitanga

we take care of the environment, the land, sea and sky.
Values 05

Expression of Manaakitanga

we show respect, generosity and care.
Values 07

Expression of Kotahitanga

we work together to achieve our goals.
Values 06

Expression of Whanaungatanga

we build deep, supportive and meaningful connections
Our Team

Our highly specialised team of clinicians operates across Te Waipounamu, South Island.

All of our clinical staff are qualified counsellors, social workers, family therapists and psychologists. They are generally required to have had prior experience in other areas of health or social services before coming to Stop.

We have a diverse clinical and social work team to ensure we meet our clients’ cultural needs. All of our team have Taha Māori training and understand the principles of working within Ti Tiriti o Waitangi.

Executive Team

Leadership Team

Te Poari | The board

Our new look

In 2022 we updated our brand to better reflect the organisation we have become. To learn more about our new brand watch this video.