11 June 2015 004

Our Adult Service

Our Adult Service is our flagship programme that we first delivered from Christchurch in 1988. We have continued to deliver services from Christchurch for adults both individually and in group settings. In 2012 we expanded our Adult Service and now we also deliver in Dunedin and Nelson. 

We also provide support and therapeutic programmes for adults who have engaged in harmful sexual behaviour or have harmful sexual thoughts about children/adolescents/adults. 

Our programmes are strengths-based and focus on providing emotional skills, self-management, healthy sexuality (sexual regulation), relationship skills and knowledge and tools for our clients to build better lives. 

Our clinicians are passionate about their work and provide a safe and judgement free environment to ensure the support makes a difference in the lives of our clients. The outcomes we achieve create a future free from harmful sexual behaviour. Each interaction moves us towards our vision He hapori waatea i taitookai - A community free from sexual harm.

If you are wanting to know more about our work, if you have questions about your own harmful sexual thoughts or behaviours, or questions on behalf of someone else, please feel confident that you can talk to a professional at Stop.  

“I think I’m very lucky having the clinicians I have had. I appreciate the help you have given me.”
- Client

If any of the following statements are true for you or someone you know, then talk to Stop about our support services:

  • You have engaged in Harmful Sexual Behaviour and you want support to stop.
  • You are having concerning sexual thoughts about children and you haven't acted on them and/or are distressed by them
  • You want to stop accessing child sex abuse material on the internet
  • You are sending sexual texts, messages and/or communicating online with a person under 16 years old and you want to stop

Your journey with Stop

Talk to us or call us on 03 353 0257. We will have a brief discussion and establish how we can help you.

During the initial discussion we will determine the most appropriate pathway and explain what to expect (in some cases we may need to refer you to another service). 

Your journey with Stop then starts with the Assessment phase. This takes up to eight weeks and is where we work with you to assess risk and needs or risk and protective facts (strengths) and what therapy is required.

Intervention is the next step in the journey and can be anything from 3 sessions to 12 months.  It can consist of individual and group sessions and working with whānau. Throughout your time in the programme we will review your progress.

Intervention is now finished.  If at any stage in the future you need our help or support, please contact us.

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Getting help

It's simple to get help– just click on ‘Contact us’ if you are concerned or you can call us on 03 353 0257 if you would like to have a chat with one of our team. We can then guide you through the process from there.

In some cases, we may need a formal referral from another professional such as your GP or a lawyer. Other agencies and community organisations also refer clients to Stop.

It is important that you or your friend or family know that free, highly effective help is available. It’s also important to know that Stop’s practices and procedures protect and respect our client’s privacy, both in terms of face-to-face contact and client records. All referrals are confidential.

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Supporting whānau

Most partners and/or their whānau experience many emotions when they find out someone they know has exhibited concerning or harmful sexual behaviours. Some of the most common reactions are shock, anger, disbelief, shame and confusion. Sometimes whānau will blame themselves.

It is important to know that it’s not your fault and you are not responsible. The person exhibiting harmful behaviour is responsible for their own actions, and the Stop team can support them to live healthier lives.

Whānau often want someone supportive to talk to. Stop can help. Our experience demonstrates that with the right support, whānau can move forward and feel more hopeful.

Using Te Tiriti o Waitangi as our foundation, we work to ensure all clients and their whānau receive culturally appropriate support that recognises their unique values, beliefs and needs. If you would like to talk about your specific needs, you can ask us.