Press Pause

It is with great pleasure and excitement in August 2024 that Stop announced the launch of "Press Pause" - a new website resource for adults supporting rangatahi in Aotearoa.
We have developed “Press Pause” with funding from Oranga Tamariki to provide a coordinated and collaborative approach to support school staff, counsellors, rangatahi focussed agencies and adults in positions of responsibility working with rangatahi (between ages 12-17) to navigate the management and prevention of concerning and harmful sexual behaviour.
We know that only the most concerning/harmful (Red) behaviour meets the criteria for a referral to a specialist agency – in Aotearoa this is Stop (or Wellstop or Safe), but there is also a lot of concerning (Orange) sexualised behaviours that happen with our rangatahi – sexual harassment, pornography, consent issues, etc. We have aimed to build resources and tools that support the adults working alongside rangatahi with ‘orange’ behaviours.
It is intended that Press Pause functions as a ‘one stop’ online interactive hub to support conversations with rangatahi about concerning and harmful sexual behaviour and pulls together resources from all areas of the sector and provides a directory to relevant services